What I did:
1. I went to People 's Park.
2. I tried the street food and had my stomach pang quenched.
3. I went to check on the ukay-ukay and saw the perk on foot and body massage right next to it. How cool is that? But since I was too busy looking around for bargain items, I wasn't able to try the foot massage around the corner. So, I went to Sta. Ana to try the Royale experience of Sauna with massage after a long and tiring day since it's near to the place where I stayed.
4. I checked out some souvenir items for my friends.
5. Roamed the streets of sta. Ana, San Pedro, Matina, Roxas, Monte Verde, etc. and was able to stroll to different malls- SM lanang, SM Ecoland, NCCC and Gaisano. I stopped visiting malls 'coz it all looks the same.
6. While in People's Park, I wanted to have solitary moment with myself. But unfortunately, some strange guy seated right beside me. Honestly, I was annoyed because he just ruined my dramatic moment. But later on, our conversation got long and interesting. Till I figured out, he was into networking and that's his strategy to convince and get clients..hahahahh! Not bad. And until now, he is still convincing me to join his company.
7. Tried to commute to and fro and got lost.. hahahahh!But unlike other cities, you won't feel terrified of being lost, rob or harass because Davao is a safe and crime-free city. you won't be afraid to display that Iphone 5 or be paranoid that any moment it will be grabbed. People in Davao are nice, humble and honest.
8. And how can I forget to buy lots of books. It's weird how I panicked and be amazed with the numerous books in the National Bookstore. I can spend whole day reading there.
9. What is very funny is finding myself uttering and begging God (well, just in my mind saying it loud) to have a boyfriend like the guy who happened to seat beside me in the jeep. You know during that time, I wished that the road will get longer so that I'll have more time with this cute stranger. Haahahhah!

10. Most importantly, don't forget the lessons on the road:
a. that helping other people who needs help will give us happiness
b.trusting God is the only option and the best option we can get.
c. traveling leads to discovery of inner self and happiness
d. and above all, love yourself more and thank God for everything He has given you.